What is Your Excuse?
What is your excuse for (you fill in the blank)? Excuses are easy to come by and can be hard to resist. Especially when there are dozens of other things that you would rather do other than what needs to be done.

Did you make a promise to yourself at the beginning of the year that “this year will be different”? No excuses! You will keep things organized, stay on a schedule, exercise on a regular basis and dedicate more time to family. Are you able to identify why this year is not any different than the year before and the year before? Making excuses is easy. There are dozens of reasons to make an excuse and put things off until tomorrow, next week, month or year. Some of my excuses have been: I’m too tired (after all, I’m over 50 and have a 5 year old – isn’t that a good excuse?) And, I need verification that I am doing the “right thing”. After all, what if I am making the wrong choice?
Allow yourself to move forward and get organized by taking a “No Excuse” attitude. Most of your excuses happen for no other reason than…you allow them! It’s time to take charge of your business and life by adopting a No Excuse Attitude to reach your goals. You do not need permission from anyone to allow your dreams and goals to become a reality. The only person standing in your way is you.
Don’t be afraid of making the wrong decision. The one thing that I know, for sure, is that there is only one person in the history of the world that is Perfect – and that is not you! You won’t make perfect decisions. You will make mistakes. Many famous people have awesome stories of failures. Before Walt Disney built the empire he has today, he was fired by a newspaper editor because “he lacked imagination and had no good ideas”. At the age of 22, Oprah Winfrey was fired from her job as a television reporter because she was “unfit for TV”. What???
What is your excuse for not listening to your gut? When you make the decision to listen to what your gut is telling you…not what your friends are saying, or what your family is saying, you will make smart choices and stop making excuses. Stand firm on your decision to stop making excuses for everything that you: need to do, want to do and have to do. Stay focused on your goal and don’t stray from what you know if important to you. There will be people that will give you lots of opportunities to make excuses every day. Concentrate on daily goals that will make difference in your life and business. And…No More Excuses!
I’d love to hear your past favorite excuse.
Linda Clevenger, Organization Direct