
Daily Goals and Accountability

Do you struggle with yourself because you don’t reach your daily goals?  Whether you are a small business owner, mother or employee, there are so many “To Do” items on our list each day that it can be overwhelming.

Each day I wake up with specific goals in mind of what I need to achieve and prioritize them accordingly.  You probably do too and think…yea, well how does it “really work”.  This is all great…but what about distractions?  Do I get distracted, absolutely!   To say that  I am never distracted would be a lie.  It is how you handle your distractions that makes a difference.

Some steps that I use to avoid distractions:

1.  I don’t check my email constantly throughout the day.  This can be one of your biggest time suckers and distractions.  I do schedule time to check emails throughout the work day but typically it is prior to “beginning work” (say 7:30 – 8:00), during lunch time and again in the later afternoon.

We live in a society that demands immediate results and sometimes this can be detrimental to thecompletion our goals.  Step back (just a little) and pick specific times during the day that you will check your email.

2.  I write down a specific schedule to follow.  To help stick to that schedule.  Make sure that your datebook is broken down into 15 minute, 30 minute, 45 minute and hourly segments.   Implement your calendar to include these 15 minute time slots.  I also use an egg/baking timer.  I spend 2 hours each Monday morning writing a blog, checking analytics, holding my personal meetings regarding business for the week, determining my game plan for the entire week and when the timer is done…so am I!  The key is that I am totally focused during these 2 hours on what I need to accomplish so that I can move on to the next item on my list.

3.  Find someone to hold you accountable.  This is a huge part of your success.  I have worked with several accountability partners during the last two years.  Your partner needs to know enough about your personal life or business that they will be able to tell you to get your act together (in a polite but direct manner).  They need to hold your feet to the fire when it comes to accomplishing important tasks – and you need to tell them to push your efforts to achieve your goal.  They should be gentle but forceful, polite but demanding and both of you should have strong shoulders and not be worried about hurting each other’s feelings.

Reaching your daily goals will allow you to relieve stress, anxiety and overwhelm.  If needed, mark every goal  off of your list as you accomplish it.

Lastly, tell yourself “good job”.  Allow yourself to enjoy your accomplishment.  My biggest “aha” while helping homeowners become organized is that they (women) do NOT hear the words…job well done!  They don’t receive “kudos” for what they accomplish and they really, really need to be boosted with encouragement.  Encourage yourself via your accountability partner.  When you communicate with your partner, include your daily goals for today and also include your goals that you accomplished yesterday.  They will boost your ego and reward you with positive and motivating comments – it may be just what you need.

Reaching your daily, weekly, monthly goals is ultimately your responsibility.  Don’t get side-tracked, distracted or loose concentration.  An Organized Mind will achieve results.

Your results are ultimately up to you…

Linda Clevenger

