Getting Organized for the School Year 2013

Getting Organized for the School Year Fredericksburg. This article was published in the Free Lance Star on Friday, August 8, 2013
Use a family calendar to keep track of busy back-to-school schedules.
The first day of school is less than a month away. And that means it’s time to stock up on school supplies. With so many supplies, plus a new schedule, it can be hard to get organized for the school year. Linda Clevenger from Organization Direct, a local professional organizing company, offers these tips for families to get straightened out for a new school year:
1. Get Prepared. The beginning of a new school year is a great time to go through closets and toss, purge and eliminate. So, go through your child’s closet and take out everything that either doesn’t fit, isn’t in style or your child just doesn’t wear any more. This will help your child make a quick and easy decision about what to wear for school.
2. Plan ahead. There are a lot of things that you can do in advance to ensure that your school morning run as smoothly as possible. First, lay out their clothes the night before; second, have lunch money (or bagged lunch) ready the night before and third, prepare the backpack the night before. Being proactive will help avoid morning chaos.
3. Assign a specific place in the home for: backpacks, paperwork to be signed /checked and even for shoes. This will allow you to “grab and go” in the morning.
4. Develop routines for the entire family. Set specific bedtimes and wake-up times for everyone.
5. Use a family calendar to stay on top of everyone’s schedule and avoid stress (a white board works well).
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