
Do You Worry About Being Organized?

Do You Worry About Being Organized?

Last week was about Worry.  It seemed that no matter where I turned, I was being given another reason to “worry”, if I chose to!  Then my organizing mind kicked in and I reminded myself…what purpose does worry serve?   Does worrying help solve any issues or concerns…No, it doesn’t.  Was worrying about my situation going to change it in any way or just p*SS me off?  What worrying can do is cause things to become even more unorganized because your focus is on what can’t be changed, not what can be changed. 

You can easily sit down and let your mind dictate your worry.   Maybe you worry about how you will juggle your schedule, paying bills on time, your obligations, finding what you need when you need it, or being the person that you really want to be.  Having your home and office organized can help stop the worry.  Here are a few tips to Organize Your Day and avoid worry.

1.  K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple and Silly (or Stupid).  One of the best pieces of advice that I can give anyone about organizing their home or office is to keep the system simple.  It doesn’t matter if it is a filing system, pantry system or a system for any room or area of your home or office.  Keeping the system simple allows everyone to assume some responsibility.

2.  Strive for Excellence – Not Perfection – There is no right or wrong way to organize your space.  Don’t get stuck on having to have the latest and greatest organization systems.   Determining what works best for your personality is the answer to getting organized and staying organized.  All of the fancy organizing tools and techniques don’t mean a thing if you don’t use them on a daily basis.  Sometimes something as simple as a basket to toss things into can help keep a desk or room clean, clear and organized.  Don’t feel that everything has to be “perfect” in order for it to be considered organized.

3.  Be honest with yourself about the amount of time that you have to get things done.   Under-estimating the amount of time it will take to get something done can cause chaos and worry.  It will also throw you totally off schedule.  When you have a task that takes you longer than anticipated to finish consider leaving the rest of that task for a later time and move on to the next thing that is on your list. 

4.   Think about how you can organize your day.  Manage your time so that you do all of your filing in the morning or all of your errands after lunch.  Bundle similar tasks to do them at the same time of the day.

5.  Journal your day to identify your time-suckers.  Where are you losing valuable time each day.  Do you get stuck on conversations on the phone, email, facebook, other internet activities that take you away from what really needs to be done.    

6.  Stay focused.  If there is a situation that you have to handle that takes you away from your tasks take just a few minutes to gather yourself and get back on track.  Sometimes a 10 minute pity party is necessary, and it is allowed, but don’t allow yourself to become totally off track for the rest of the day because of a phone call or email.  Worrying about it won’t change anything.

Worry is an unproductive activity that causes stress and anxiety and will stop your productivity.  Having systems in place will allow you to replace the feeling of worry with the feeling of excitement about life, home and business.